Rhodes MK.I Square Hammer tips
Replacement square hammer tips
For: 73 and 88 key MK.I Fender Rhodes pianos (1971-1975)
Put the finishing touches on your Rhodes project with our square MK.I hammer-tip kits. We’ve painstakingly gone thru extraordinary measures to manufacture accurate sounding and feeling hammer-tips that are every bit as durable as original Rhodes tips!
Each kits includes:
5 zones of tips matching the original factory specs!
• Soft black (bass)
• Red (low-midrange)
• Yellow (midrange)
• Hardback (upper range)
• Wood-core (treble / top end)
• 1 bottle of Bob Smith Industries (BSi) impact resistant glue (The best stuff on earth!)
• Key-bed tip map chart.
Material matters! Think about it....
Our Rhodes tips are manufactured from extruded neoprene (same as the originals) which is known for its long term durability. Extruded Neoprene doesn't break down or harden quickly like cell cast compounds or molded hammer tips can.
We thought it would be ideal to replace 50+ year old components with new parts that stand a good chance of also lasting 50+ years!! RetroLinear wood-core tips are made from old growth, long grain rock maple and every process from the raw wood billet to finished wood-core tip happens under our roof to maintain high quality control. All in all- its safe to say, our tip kits are incredibly durable, sound and feel right..
Our MK.I Kits are designed to replace standard 3/8" Square hammertips found on all MK.1's from 1971-1975 with Wooden innerframe keybeds.
These tips are mentioned in the Rhodes service manual for upgrading from felt to neoprene.
Some ear candy for your enjoyment, check out Tom O'Grady's band, "Resolution 88"
Resolution 88's bandcamp (link) is loaded up with a nice library of killer tracks!